My mom has been living with me on and off (but mostly on) for many years now. It's so nice to have so much extra help around the house and with the kids. My husband is super amazing but he works long hours during the week and I am a strong believer that it takes at least 2
fairly responsible and
extremely energetic adults
per child in the home in order to keep them
alive happy and also in order to sustain ones sanity. Having a friend to talk to during the long, crazy days that is otherwise known as 'Stay at Home Mommy Madness' really breaks up the
monotony of every day life and is good practice in speaking like an adult so I can
re-enter civilized society someday, God willing.
My mom has been away for a few months visiting her family and came home yesterday, Yay! Of course my 4 kids think of her as a very important part of their lives and love her to bits. Also extremely important to the little darlings are what sort of special 'prize' Gramma will bring home for them. My 4 year old thinks that Gramma is just staying at the airport while she is away. He questions several times while she is gone "When is Gramma coming home from the airport?" or "What kind of prize will Gramma bring us from the airport?" Kids are great.
So this got me thinking about how fun it is for kids when even the smallest of surprises are brought home after a trip away. My dad did it when I was little; snow globes, small treasures and dime store jewelry. My husband does it for our kids; tee-shirts, stuffed animals, toy cap guns and bows and arrows.
And Gramma brings home the best 'prizes' of all....
Usually Gramma brings fun, old fashioned candy like PEZ and Candy Necklaces. I can't help but be transported to my youth whenever I see these candies and treats. Nostalgia is a wonderfully amazing thing. Something like PEZ and Blueberry Slushies brings back totally random memories of my neighborhood, childhood friends long forgotten and reaching up out of the pool to pick a plum off our backyard tree while swimming in my favorite blue polka dot bathing suit. Here are some of my All Time favorite childhood candies and fun treats.
I want to know!
What were your favorite treats as a child?
What things remind you of your childhood?
Paper Candy Dots
LOVED Candy Necklaces
Cinnamon Toothpicks.
Which brings back very bad memories of cinnamon oil which was very populare amoungst
stupid teenage boys to smear on your face as you walked by them in the halls of high school.
The oil would burn and leave large welts across your face and God help you if it got near your eyes.
Coke Flavored Gummies
Wax Candy
My Fav. Like Totally.
Cigarette Candy.
Oh My Gosh! Remember these? They used to sell them from the Ice Cream Trucks! Yikes. |
And I couldn't leave out my beloved Garbage Pail Kids trading cards.
Does anybody remember these?
They were totally and completely disgusting and wonderful. Like totally.